Train like a modern day Spartan with our minimalist, sustainable training princples . Torch fat and gain muscle with our resistance band workouts . Forge a formidable, athletic physique, CONQUER your workouts at home, on holiday or on the road.


Essential Tools

Why Resistance Bands?

You can forge a formidable physique with resistance bands. From a scientific perspective, they can produce an insane amount of elastic resistance.From a practicality standpoint, they are cheap, portable and extremely time and space efficient, leaving you with no excuse not to workout. You can integrate band workouts seamlessly into your lifestyle; lunch break? Perfect amount of time to crank out a workout. Kids gone for a nap? Bust out an intense workout at home.


Home Grown Spartan Program

Fed up with feeling sluggish, soft and weak? Feeling lethargic from your sedentary job or dispirited as a result of your couch dweller regime? Or are you just really time poor and looking for a fitness program that integrates with your lifestyle. Are you discouraged by your inability to commit to a fitness regime. It's time to feel strong, energised and lean. All that's required is 30 minutes a day, at home, at the park, in the hotel, five times a week. This is the program you’ve been waiting for.

Not Convinced?

I've been where you are. I've been slack, doughy and inactive, but I manufactured a program that harmonizes with my lifestyle. It's tried and tested. Your're lucky , you get the shortcut to the cheat code and formula to transform yourself